My Brain in a Jar

Trigger warning: My brain can be a tricky place

This site includes some of my drawings and writings which may not be ideal if your feeling delicate*

Many of my pictures and thoughts captured here refer to themes of; child abuse, rape, self harm and associated fucked** up things. I’m sharing these things because I hope they could help others who have had similar experiences, and maybe help caring people understand. Yes, many things here are difficult, but for too many people these things are a truth that they live with everyday. I hope by shining a light in these dark places I can help those who struggle as I have.

If you do decide to visit, welcome and thank you.

*You can always pop by later when you feel up to it.

**Plus bad language.

Why a brain in a jar?

I chose this title for two reasons. One is that I have ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and long COVID. The crippling fatigue often leads me to feel like my brain is trapped in a body unable to interact with the world around me. The second reason is that I often dissociate, and feel like I am no longer inside my body. Both of these experiences can feel to me like that is exactly what I am, a brain in a jar.